Luba Bakičová – Solo Exhibition

Exhibition date: November 2018 – February 2019

Our new exhibition shows you the works of the Slovakian artist Luba Bakičová. Luba Bakičová (born 1985) is one of the most outstanding graduates of Ilja Bílek’s Glass Studio at the Faculty of Art & Design of J.E. Purkynĕ University in the Czech Republic. The artist works with glass and refractory concrete. Her sculptures appear to be suspended in time, seemingly defying all physical laws. 

This is because her ingenious technology stops the melting process at exactly the right moment. Her objects called “Yes Name” were conceived as an alternative to “No Name”; “Yes Name” has a name, is open to interpretation, captures the energy of the process and testifies to the artist’s trust in the material and her work.

We will be also displaying sculptures by Ilja Bílek, Josef Marek, Tomáš Brzon and Andrej Jančovič.



The Gallery for Glassart