Jiří Suchý’s (1972) glass objects, which are melted in moulds in the kiln, follow classical Czech glass sculpture in their design language. In his compositions he works with displacements of geometric objects, layering and blending them. By contrast, his paintings, which he creates using hot glass taken directly from the glass kiln applying his own specially developed technique, are expressive/abstract.
Luba Bakičová (born 1985) is one of the most outstanding graduates of Ilja Bílek’s Glass Studio at the Faculty of Art & Design of J.E. Purkynĕ University in the Czech Republic. The artist works with glass and refractory concrete. Her sculptures appear to be suspended in time, seemingly defying all physical laws. This is because her ingenious technology stops the melting process at exactly the right moment.
Our new exhibition will be showing you works by the sculptor Peter Bremers, one of the internationally most successful European artists working with glass. The Dutch artist was born in Maastricht in 1957 and studied classical sculpture at the University of Fine Arts in that city before coming into contact with glass at the end of the 1980s. The fascinating possibilities immediately inspired him, making glass his preferred material.
Our group exhibition features artists from the Czech Republic (Josef Marek, Matyas Pavlik, Jaromir Rybák, Kryštof Rybák, Tomáš Brzon), Slovakia (Ivan Illovsky), Sweden (Lars Widenfalk) and Cyprus (Malvina Middleton). Applying many different approaches, the artists use glass as a material to create expressive and captivating works.
In our new theme-based exhibition we will be showing you works by the Czech artists Marian Volráb and Markéta Šílená as well as by Lukas Mjartan and Marek Brincko from Slovakia. The current exhibition focuses on the multifaceted use of structures inside and outside the glass sculptures on display.
The artistic duo Ingrid Račková & David Suchopárek from the Czech Republic studied from 1993-1999 at the University of Applied Arts in Prague. Ingrid Račková studied at the Glass Studio of Prof. Vladimír Kopecký and David Suchopárek at the Glass in Architecture Studio of Prof. Marian Karel. Their sculptures made of optical glass take the form of pyramidal artifacts, symbolizing the quest for the feasible.
We are proud to present the first common exhibition of this artist couple. Malvina and Josef are using the same medium with a different approach and varying results while they understand and support each other in unity. Malvina and Josef have met during their participation in the international exhibition of glass in Coburg. Surprisingly for both of them, they started to realize that they agree and understand each other on most matters of contemporary art, architecture, culture and more.